
  Factors To Consider When Choosing A Criminal Law Firm In Singapore

Choosing a criminal lawyer in Singapore is complicated more than people perceive it. Their case relies on the preparedness, wits, connections, and innate talent of the lawyer. No matter how strong your case is, if your lawyer does not know how to handle it, there is a high chance that the other party will get the court’s favourable decision.

People should understand that there are several crucial factors they should consider to find the right criminal law firm in Singapore. At the end of the day, clients want the people who will represent them in court to be the best in the country.

5 Factors To Consider When Choosing A Criminal Law Firm In Singapore

Law firms are a group or associations of lawyers who practise law. As a business entity, law firms provide a range of legal services to those in need.

There are several types of law firms. A solo law firm is a business entity run by a single lawyer. This solo law firm provides legal services.

A small law firm is a business entity that comprises more or less ten lawyers who provide legal services.

A large law firm is a business entity that comprises dozens of lawyers. Compared to the first two, large law firms have much more extensive legal services, including a personal protection order in Singapore.

Here are the crucial factors to consider when choosing a criminal law firm in Singapore:

1. Experience

As mentioned in the introduction, your criminal or probate lawyer in Singapore plays a crucial role in winning or losing your case. Although court decisions are unpredictable, one thing is for sure: a well-prepared lawyer has a better chance of getting a favourable decision.

It is crucial to pick a law firm with experience and an untarnished reputation in the industry. Your fight for your case could go downhill with an inexperienced lawyer. For example, picking a probate lawyer to handle your criminal case is not a good idea. Firstly, probate lawyers are experts in estate administration, not in criminal cases. Choose a lawyer familiar with the type and nature of your case.

Secondly, an inexperienced criminal lawyer may not be up to date with the latest laws and practices. They are bound to miss crucial things in your case.

2. Reputation and track record

Always check the reputation of the law firm. How will you know if the criminal law firm in Singapore has a clean reputation and track record?

Always check how many cases they have won. It is a bonus if they have handled and won an iconic case. It only proves their good track record as a law firm.

Moreover, words-of-mouths are proof of reputation as well. If you get tons of referrals for this law firm or the previous clients all praise the law firm, then it is a good sign that you have found the right criminal law firm. In addition, ask the current and previous lawyers in the law firm and other employees about the treatment and culture in the law firm.

You can also find testimonies about the criminal law firm in Singapore on the internet. You can read articles about the cases they have handled and reviews from their previous clients.

Another testament to the law firm’s reputation is the way they present itself. Does the criminal lawyer in Singapore explain their service to the clients clearly? Are they consistent with the use of letterhead and logo?

3. Size of the law firm

As mentioned, the size of the law firm reflects the services it may offer. For example, a solo or small law firm may have limited legal services compared to a large firm.

Large law firms with more than 20 lawyers can provide an array of services and expertise, from family law to criminal law. They may also have the capacity and connection to handle complicated cases.

But a small firm does not mean they are incompetent. They may be specialising in one field, unlike a large firm, but they may be excellent in it. However, its only drawback is that their lawyers always have their hands full. Large firms have plenty of lawyers who can handle multiple cases. They also have assistants who help them.

If you want an array of legal services, find a large criminal law firm in Singapore. If you don’t need multiple legal services, you can stick with smaller or solo law firms.

4. Comfort and communication

The client’s comfort while being around their criminal or probate lawyer in Singapore matters. Why? Because cooperation is crucial in winning a case.

If the lawyer talks down or scolds their clients or leaves them confused and weary, the client may not cooperate well with the lawyer. It affects the lawyer’s preparation for the case, and eventually loses it.

Moreover, clients may not feel like confiding the crucial information for the case to their lawyers when they don’t trust them. The result? The lawyer is unprepared or blindsided by the details they are unaware of. All lead to losing the case.

The client must feel safe and supported by their lawyer. There should be trust and cooperation between the client and criminal lawyer in Singapore; otherwise, the client is bound to get an unfavourable decision.

5. Cost structure

Each criminal law firm in Singapore has a unique billing structure. The most common is hourly billing, where the lawyer has their rate per hour. The lawyer tracks and compiles the time they spend on the case and then bills the client at the end of the month.

Flat rate billing happens when the lawyer gives a fixed rate for the entire legal service regardless of the time spent on it. On the other hand, the subscription-based fee is a billing arrangement for monthly legal services, such as legal advice and more.


Indeed, choosing a criminal law firm in Singapore is complicated, but you can make it less complicated by considering these factors. These tips will help you find the right law firm.

Aspect Law Chambers

Do you need a criminal lawyer in Singapore? Aspect Law Chambers provides the best lawyers in the country. Visit Aspect Law Chambers to learn more about their legal services.