
August 19, 2021


Types of compensation for damages due to dog bites

Dog bites are among the most common accidents that happen on the streets of our country and are subject to compensation for personal injury. However, in order for this compensation to occur, certain requirements must be met.

In many law firms there are lawyers specialized in the subject who have already attended numerous similar cases and who will be able to advise us in case we find ourselves in the situation of making a claim. To check this, all you have to do is type, for example,“top rated personal injury lawyers in Reno NV” and you will get a list that will give you access to them.

In this way, it is possible to obtain personalized advice on a subject that, although it may seem simple, far from involving an automatic procedure, takes into account numerous factors that modify the type, but also the manner and amount of compensation.

To give you an idea, some of the types of compensation that can be given in case of dog bite are the following:

  1. Compensation to pay the bill for medications and medical carereceived directly as a result of the attack

This type of compensation is the minimum compensation for which we are eligible. It is used in less serious cases, although it is rarely the only compensation received.

  1. Compensation for pain and suffering

This type of compensation is usually complementary to the previous one. Although on many occasions it is received as strict compensation for the physical or mental suffering of the victim, on many other occasions the amount rises as it must also cover the payment of bills derived from complementary medical treatment such as physiotherapy or psychological or psychiatric treatment, including the necessary medication.

  1. Compensation to make up for lost income due to the sick leave of the affected person

If as a result of the bite, the person has to stop working, this type of compensation will cover the losses derived from the lack of salary.

  1. Compensation for being attacked by a dangerous dog

The amount of compensation increases if the attack was caused by a dog declared dangerous. While many places establish a classification by dangerous breeds, others also take into account the history of the dog involved, with the compensation being higher if this dog has already attacked other people on other occasions.

  1. Compensation for family damages

If the injuries caused by the bite affect in any way the development of marital life or the relationship between parents and children, it is possible to receive compensation to cover this type of inconvenience.

Having analyzed the different types of compensation, we must remember that within each of them there are different nuances that may vary the conditions of compensation, so it is always advisable to have the help of a personal injury solicitors


In the same way, we have to take into account that it may be necessary to prove that we were involved as the inciting party of the dog’s attack.

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Who Will Determine Fault In Car Accident Settlements?

Fault in car accidents is determined by the insurance adjuster only after reviewing police reports and relevant evidence. Questions will be asked about what happened with the purpose of building a narrative of the events. After determining the party responsible, fault percentages are assigned. Based on state laws and fault percentages, compensation can be pursued.

In some US states, you can obtain compensation if you were considered to be partly at fault. In others, this is not possible. When you do not agree with the fault assignment of the insurance company, you can get in touch with an attorney for car accidents to build a strong case for you.

Auto Accident Fault

The police will come to the scene of the accident whenever property damage or bodily injury appears. Then, a report is written. Police officers examine all physical evidence, talk to witnesses, and the drivers involved. This allows them to summarize what happened, including the party that is responsible.

What you might not know is that although the police report is very valuable for liability assignment, it will not fully determine the party at fault. The insurance company will also analyze all the other evidence they can find. Pursuing compensation is all about you are at fault, hold partial fault, or you have no fault. Also, the laws in the area where the accident took place will influence your available compensation options.

State Liability Laws

There are different methods used to assign car accident liability in different US states. In many of them, the comparative fault system applies. This means every single driver involved will be assigned a percentage of the fault, according to what insurance company investigators conclude.

For comparative negligence, you can collect damages based on the liability share you and the other people involved have. In modified comparative negligence US states, you cannot obtain compensation in the event that your liability is higher than 51%. We also have contributory negligence in some states, which practically means that when you have any liability, you become ineligible for compensation.

PIP – Personal Injury Protection

In the US states with personal injury protection laws, the victim of the car accident has to file a claim with the insurance company that they work with. It does not matter who the party at fault was. The PIP states are mandating that every single driver will carry such insurance, with specific minimums put in place.

After your insurance company will pay out to the dictated level, you will be able to go after other parties involved in the accident and their insurance companies so that you can obtain remaining losses. For instance, this is something required in Florida since it is a Personal Injury Protection state.

Final Thoughts

As you can easily notice, some of the laws can be quite complicated. This is why it is so important to hire a car accident attorney that can guide you through the process and that can take care of all the legal paperwork for you. In the meantime, you can focus on recovering from your injuries.

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