
December 24, 2022


Have you ever attempted to describe what takes on during a session of stemwave treatment?

Since both stemwave therapy and extracorporeal shock wave therapy describe the same kind of treatment, the words are sometimes used interchangeably. Since it was first developed in the 1960s, extracorporeal shock wave therapy has been put to use to treat a wide range of medical issues (ESWT or shock wave therapy). Shockwave therapy is a term that is often used by medical practitioners that employ stemwave therapy and deliver it via the use of the SoftWaveTRT OrthoGold 100; nevertheless, the treatment method has been around for a far longer period of time. The method of treatment that makes use of shockwaves is sometimes referred to by the term stemwave therapy.

In 2017, Dr. Matthew DiDuro was the first patient to get treatment with the SoftWave shockwave therapy system. After having such great results with stem wave therapy, he made the decision to start providing it to other people. Around this same period, the idea of “stemwave therapy” started to solidify in people’s minds. Dr. Matt has given it this title due to the fact that the SoftWaveTRT OrthoGold 100 makes use of unfocused sound waves to trigger and recruit stem cells from a depth of up to 11.25 centimetres into human tissue. Take into consideration the fact that the normal entry depth for a shockwave treatment device is simply around 2 inches. Dr. Matt believed it was only right to rename this revolutionary treatment method given its broad usage, and he decided to call it stemwave therapy as the new title.

What exactly is the procedure that is involved in Stem-Wave Therapy?

Stemwave treatment makes use of shockwaves, which are then delivered topically throughout the region that is injured. A SoftWaveTRT OrthoGold 100 unit is used in order to do this. This technique kickstarts the healing process by enhancing the body’s natural capacity to recover after injury or illness. In addition to this, it assists in reawakening dormant stem cells that are located in the wounded area.

Because of the cutting-edge technology that it incorporates, the OrthoGold 100 stands out among other shockwave therapy devices that are now available on the market. Because of this, the stemwave therapy offered by the OrthoGold 100 is very distinct from the conventional shockwave treatment. Because there is less cellular stress, the body is able to repair itself more quickly and effectively. If you follow the link, you will be able to get further knowledge on the SoftWave shockwave treatment system.

What to anticipate during your treatment with stemwaves

Stemwave therapy may be provided efficiently and with very little labour when utilising the OrthoGold 100 device. Your primary care physician will first want to know the specific location of the pain you’re experiencing. With these figures, we can narrow down on the best place to begin the stemwave treatment process. After that, a gel will be applied to the region that has been impacted. Following that, the cutting-edge therapy applicator that comes with the OrthoGold 100 system will begin its treatment on you.

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